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Preparing Your Garden for Winter: November Gardening Tips

Lisa Garden on 01-11-2023

As November approaches, the gardening tasks shift towards preparing the garden for the colder months ahead. While it might be tempting to retreat indoors and forget about your garden until spring, some essential chores can help ensure a thriving garden next year. Here are some monthly gardening tips for November:

Tidy Up the Garden

Before winter sets in, clear away fallen leaves, dead plant material, and any debris in your garden. Removing this organic matter can help prevent the spread of diseases and pests. It also improves the overall aesthetics of your garden.

Pruning and Cutting Back

November is a great time for pruning certain plants. Trim back overgrown shrubs and hedges to maintain their shape. Cut back perennials that have died back, leaving about 2 inches of stems above the ground. Don't prune spring-flowering shrubs and trees, though, as they've already set their flower buds.

Protect Your Plants

As the temperature drops, consider protecting more vulnerable plants from frost. Cover them with frost cloth, burlap, or even an old bedsheet to keep them insulated and prevent frost damage.

Plant Spring Bulbs

November is the ideal time to plant spring-flowering bulbs like daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. They need time to establish their roots before the ground freezes. Plant them at the recommended depth for each type of bulb, and you'll be rewarded with beautiful blooms come spring.

Divide and Transplant

If you have perennial plants that have outgrown their space or need rejuvenation, November is a good time to divide and transplant them. It's less stressful for the plants, and they'll have a head start in establishing themselves before spring.


Continue adding kitchen scraps and garden waste to your compost pile. Although decomposition slows down in colder months, your compost pile will still benefit from these additions and be ready to enrich your soil in the spring.

Lawn Care

Mow your lawn for the last time before winter, gradually lowering the blade with each mow. Rake up leaves and debris, so your lawn can breathe. If you have any bald spots or areas that need repair, consider overseeding and applying a winter fertiliser.

Clean and Store Tools

Don't forget to clean and store your gardening tools properly. Wipe them clean, sharpen blades, and apply a light coat of oil to prevent rust. Storing them in a dry place will ensure they're ready for action next season.

Plan Ahead

Use November to plan your garden for the following year. Research new plants, design changes, or landscaping ideas you'd like to implement. Ordering seeds and plants early can help you secure your choices.

Bird Feeding

With natural food sources becoming scarcer for birds, providing them with bird feeders can be a delightful way to enjoy wildlife in your garden during the winter months. Ensure you keep the feeders stocked with a variety of seeds and clean them regularly.

November is a crucial month for getting your garden ready for the winter. By following these gardening tips, you can help your plants survive the cold and ensure a thriving, beautiful garden in the coming spring. Enjoy the seasonal transition in your garden and make the most of this quieter time to plan for a spectacular year ahead.