Gardening calendar: What to do next?

From January to December: Every month there are chores you can do around the house to maintain your garden front and back. What are the monthly maintenance points for your garden?

Think, for example, of pruning or how to maintain your lawn in the spring or autumn. In our garden calendar you will find all the answers to your questions! With our garden calendar you have a handy overview of what you can do in that month. There is always something to do!

Garden calendar August

August is right around the corner and since it is still the middle of summer this month, you have plenty to do in your garden. August is also called the harvest month, because during this month many plants, flowers, vegetables and fruit mature.

View the August garden calendar

Garden calendar September

It's time for September! Summer is coming to an end, and temperatures are dropping again. The busiest gardening time of the year is past us, of course, but your green fingers will still come in handy in September!

View the September garden calendar

Garden calendar October

October is when autumn begins; this can be seen outside everywhere, and this month, your garden will be going through a number of changes. As a gardener, it’s essential to be aware of what is happening outside and how to care for your garden!

View the October garden calendar

Garden calendar February

Although February is still considered a winter month, there are some gardening tasks that can be done during this time of the year. Here are some tips on what you can do in your garden this month.

View the Februari garden calendar

Garden calendar April

April is a crucial month for gardening as it is the start of the growing season for many plants.

View the April garden calendar


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